Hello my lovelies,
Ok so today I'm going to be doing another joint post cus nothing has happened really, I've just been working and still have some time to go before I break up (again thinking I'm posting at the correct time and not 4days before xmas). So what am I posting about here today...well I'm talking about the wonder that is Christmas work dos.
I love them it gives you a chance to see your colleagues out of work and get to know them a bit better. Now this year I have two, yes two work dos, I have one with my department and one with the whole school. The one with the whole school was fantastic we all mingled, danced and sang karaoke. Now it's the first time the whole school has got together like this and it was something. I won't divulge anything cus let's be honest don't want to be talking about things that go on at Christmas dos and not just cus I work in a school.
I will tell you this I did get a bit tipsy, but everyone does at xmas and it is a time to party and be merry as they say. I do hope they do another whole school next year as it was great fun. Don't expect any photos though I've made a promise not to post any pictures of anyone without their permission.
In other news, I've finished my xmas shopping I now need to wrap them and this year I'm being different. I'm not the typical wrapping, I'm going for brown paper, but more on that in a later post.
See you laters for now,
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