
Blogmas Day 8 - 15 Christmas Favourites

Hello my lovelies,

Today is day 8 of blogmas and it is 15 favourite Christmas things. So here are the top 15 things that I absolutely love about Christmas!

  1. I love the idea of giving gifts to someone!
  2. I love deciding what to give to people (although it takes me a while to actually buy them. It's two weeks till xmas and I still have presents to buy).
  3. I love Christmas shopping!
  4. I love Christmas songs!
  5. I love re-decorating my room for Christmas!
  6. I love the concept of Father Christmas coming through a chimney to give you presents (Yes I still have that kid in me who still believes).
  7. I love making festive food!
  8. I love waking up on Christmas morning and checking to see what I got in my stocking!
  9. I love opening a flap each day from my advent Calendar!
  10. I love reading festive books (which are cheerful of course)!
  11. I love snow on Christmas day! (Although we don't tend to get it in the UK).
  12. I love buying a Christmas decorations.
  13. I love doing Christmas Crafts.
  14. I love watching Christmas movies!
  15. I love writing Blogmas posts everyday!
Those were some of my most favourite things about Christmas…although, I have a LOT more. Just can’t remember them at the moment! 
What are some of your favourite things concerning Christmas?

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