
Company Blogger Awards

Hello my beautiful lovely dolls,

That time has come round again the blog awards. I have taken the leap and entered the competition. It would mean so much to me if you were to nominate Rosie's Vintage Chic. I've been going or rather the blog has been going about 18 months and I know I haven't done regular updates, but I do try and put my heart and soul into it. It's just that personal problems have risen since Christmas. I promise to update the blog regularly and soon a new look will appear I am just in the middle of designing it . So keep your eyes peeled and in the meantime please please vote. I've entered it under "best personal style blog".

Again it would mean so much as it would show that I have lovely followers (not that I didn't know that already), but also I do posts that keep you coming back for more.

Much love xx

1 comment

  1. Done and Done my love :D Thanks so much for my vote, I've just voted for you! Best of luck and fingers crossed you get shortlisted :) <3 xxx


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