
Two Become Three

 Hello my lovelies,

So I recently did a life update and in that I said I had some big news, but didn't reveal what that news was. Well, you've probably guessed by the title, but if not then I will proceed.

Back in October 2022 I was feeling really down and emotional. To the point where I phoned my mum and was like 'I'm a terrible wife and a terrible daughter' and literally crying down the phone and my mum being my mum was worried and was like 'why do you think this? Stop' She then asked if I was due my period and I was like 'I dunno, probably.' I checked my tracker (flo is amazing) and sure enough it said I was due a visit from Aunt Flo the next day. Well, the next day came and no period so I went out and got a test. Now, I need to say my husband and I are very careful as we aren't actively trying for a baby. 

I got home and took the test, my husband was at work and I was shaking like a leaf, I was on school holidays and alone. Within seconds of peeing on the stick it was coming back positive. The quickest I've ever known a test to work. I had to wait a little bit longer to see how far along I was and it was saying 2-3 weeks. I was like ok, something split and then 'oh crap.' Then it was onto how to tell dear old hubby. I got a plain bit of card and printed off a quote from Hocus Pocus (not knowing he had not seen the movie) and then inside I wrote 'I knew eating those pumpkin seeds would come back to haunt me...Baby Owers due 2023.' 

The time came and he was walking through the front door. I was in the kitchen doing him a cup of tea, as I heard him pull onto the driveway. I was close to tears and shaking as I did not know how he would react, well I had an idea as I had fallen pregnant before and he was over the moon, but we hadn't long got married, was due to go on honeymoon, the house still was a building site, but hey ho.

I placed his tea down and handed him a gift bag which held the test and the card. He looked at me and then the bag and asked what is this for? I just told him to look and he will find out. He took out the card and read it, confusion spread across his face when he read the quote 'I smell children.' As he read the inside his eyebrows went up, his eyes went wide and he looked at me in shock and was like 'you joking?' Without saying anything I pointed to the bag and he pulled out the test with confirmation on and he looked at me again and was like 'you serious?' I just nodded and he threw the stuff on the table as he ran round the table and picked me up. This caused me to cry as I was both relieved and shocked by his reaction (he did not react like that when we last fell pregnant, he was happy that time as well, but he was just laid in bed when I showed him the test and he was like that's amazing).

This time he was very open with his emotions. I just burst out crying and he was like 'Why are you crying?' and I was like 'because of last time and we aren't ready, the house isn't ready.' But he reassured me and he was like we will make it ready (it still isn't ready and I am now 6 months).

We waited to tell anyone for a few weeks. Due to my epilepsy he made me call my doctor there and then and tell them, hey put me on folic acid and vitamin D straight away and referred me to a midwife as well. There began our journey into parenthood. 

I have so many more stories from my pregnancy, but like I said in my life update I will do a mini series on it, so expect more posts, the series will include telling friends and family, social media announcement, scares, scans and plans.

Until then though enjoy the rest of your day xxx



Life update

 Hello my lovelies,

Wow, it's been so long since I last posted. Since then we have had 2 lockdowns, so many amazing celebrities have passed away, the most recent ones were Angela Lansbury, Robbie Coltrane, Her Majesty the Queen and Leslie Jordan to name but a few. 

I've gone through many changes, I completed my teacher training, gone back to my first school to be a cover teacher, finally gotten married (there will be a post on that), stopped talking to my sister for various reason that I won't go into, got some of my house decorated, received some amazing news October 2022 which was we were to be parents. In July 2023 we welcomed a gorgeous baby girl into the world (I will do a post on the pregnancy - maybe even a series to document how the pregnancy went). I am a Beauty Advisor for Avon Cosmetics. So my life these pass few years have been hectic, hence why I haven't posted as much. 

That's just a small list of things that have happened that are good, well minus not talking to my sister which means not seeing my niece who is now four and I haven't seen her since her 1st birthday. Along with that bad juju I have loads of other bad juju as well, which again I won't get into as it's quite boring if I'm honest. I will say that I have recently lost my mum, it wasn't expected and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with and that's coming from someone who has a medical condition. I won't go into it in this post, but might do a post on it and how I'm managing the grief process.

On a brighter note it's 2 weeks until we break up for Easter and I can't wait, just hope that the dining room is ready by then and that the front room is tidy.

Until next time my lovelies, have a wonderful day.



Jersey Boys MK Theatre 2018

Hi my lovelies,

I am so sorry I haven't posted in over 2 years. A lot has been going on in my life, but I won't bore you with the details. Now that the country is in lockdown due to Covid-19, I am going to be posting all the posts that I had planned to do over the last 2 years and first off is a trip to the theatre to see Jersey Boys. So without further ado. Lights, Camera, Action. Or should that be Curtain Call. I don't know lol.

Christmas 2017 my parents gave me and my boyfriend a joint present. Inside was the soundtrack to the musical Jersey Boys. Now for those who do not know what the Jersey Boys is about, it is about a 1960s band/group call Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It is about how they started and how they got to be as big as they did. Now I grew up listening to their music, so during the musical I was -along with others in the audience- singing along. My boyfriend only knew a few of their songs so just sat there and smiled at me.

Our tickets were three rows from the front and right smack in the middle. Before I left the house to go to MK Theatre I tweeted that I was going to see it and I tagged MK Theatre in the tweet, the sent a tweet back, along with one of the cast members. That surprised me, but what actually shocked me was, when my boyfriend and I arrived at the theatre I checked my twitter account and I had a follow from said member of the cast. I was jumping up and down with excitement. My boyfriend just stood there laughing and shaking his head, as all boyfriends do. Wait what! You're telling me that not all boyfriends do that, it's just mine. *gasps* I feel so unloved right now.

As you can see from the picture above I decided to get some merchandise. I got the Jersey Boys jersey (see what I did there? No OK, moving on) I also got the program in the very first picture and a T-shirt and key ring. It was a wonderful night, one that I will always remember. Especially the finale where the cast got the entire auditorium up on their feet (yes that included my boyfriend) dancing and singing.

Overall it was an amazing night. I got to spend time with my boyfriend, which at the time of being given the tickets was difficult due to him having a new job and working nights and weekends, and I worked days during the week. That has since changed and not due to the lockdown because we are both classed as key workers.

I hope you are all staying safe in these crazy times and please follow the advice of the government. They tend to know what they are doing...sometimes.




Hello my lovelies, 

Almost two weeks ago my boyfriend and I headed off on our first holiday together. Ok it was London, but it was still a wonderful holiday. We only went for a few days, Sunday through to Thursday. We arrive on the Sunday at 11pm ish had room service whilst watching Ted 2. 

The reason we arrived so late is because Euston station is having some work done on it, and so rail replacement buses are in service due to no trains in and out of Euston. We left MK at 17:45 and arrived at 23:00. It was a tiring journey, especially when I’ve only ever been to Euston station. So finding my way from other stations was daunting. However, saying that the hotel was amazing The Tower Hotel is right next to Tower Bridge and St Katherine’s Dock. Sadly we didn’t have a view of the bridge, but we did have the view of the docks, which was much quieter than the bridge side. 

Our room was really clean, the bathroom was amazing, towels and toiletries were all provided as was a hairdryer and not your travel hairdryer most hotels have, which I was so thankful for. I was debating whether to take mine or not, but didn’t have the space in my suitcase

Day one consisted of going to the Imperial War museum, Tower of London and London Dungeons. We did plan to go on the London Eye, but the queue was so long. So instead chose the London Dungeons. I can remember going when I was a teenager, but it has changed since then and they’ve added new areas. It was a great experience, I did have to hang onto my boyfriend a few times, especially when flashing lights happened. Now I’m not photosensitive and lights flashing don’t cause my seizures, but I didn’t want to risk it. I was a bit upset that they didn’t warn people about the lights until the end of the tour. At that point I was like I’m going to sit this part out and went through the freedom door and into the gift shop.

Day 2 we ventured to the British Museum and I’m sad to say I wasn’t that impressed with it. The Egyptian section wasn’t as big as I remember it. It was also really crowded, but being the summer holidays I expected that. The Grand Court area is something I can’t remember seeing when I was younger and I was very impressed with it. I took the typical blogger photo on the second floor so I could get everything in.

After the British museum we ventured to M&M world and purchased quite a few bags of M&Ms some in colours I didn’t know you could get. Then it was off to Forbidden Planet where I purchased quite a bit. I got a Demiguse pop funko and a visual history of the labyrinth film. As well as a few other bits and pieces. We decided to go back to the hotel a little earlier than what we thought we would. However, on the way my boyfriend suggested we went to king cross station and to platform 9 3/4. Knowing I am a huge fan of Harry Potter he indulged my geeky side. 

On the journey there I was planning on asking someone where to find it, by saying the exact same words from the film “excuse me can you tell me how to get to platform 9 3/4?” But sadly, my boyfriend found it before I could find a station worker. I had my photo taken at the trolly. Then went inside and it was amazing. It’s designed to look exactly like Ollivanders. It had the wands all in sections and you can select what one you want. Sadly, you don’t get the whole lights and wind experience that Harry got when he found his perfect wand. I also got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts. All personalised as well. When we got back to the hotel, we made a reservation at the hotel restaurant, then went back to our room and watched Big Bang Theory until dinner. 

Dinner was amazing we were seated by the window so we had an amazing view of the Thames and Tower Bridge, it was very “romantic” watching the sun set as boats went on their merry way along the Thames. It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

Day 3, was our final day. I felt bad about the British Museum not being as good as I made out due to not being closed off, so I let my boyfriend plan the final day. It consisted of going on the HMS Belfast. I’ve only ever seen this from shore, so it was an experience. I’m not one for heights so this, along with The Tower of London, were My worse nightmare due to high spaces. Especially the Tower as we were going up over 300 steps and in tight spaces. My hands sweated a lot on both experiences. On the Belfast we were going up and down small ladders having to watch our heads. The corridors were small, it was amazing to think that during WW2 it was packed with sailors. We got lost at one point, but thankfully one of the workers came along and told us which way to go and then told us that there was a perfect spot to see the Tower of London. 

Once we finished on the Belfast we headed over London Bridge to Monument station. On the way we walked by the monument to the Great Fire of London.

I’ve never seen this monument before so being this close to it was amazing. I’ve been to London a number of times, but only went to museums and London eye, London dungeons so seeing this part and Tower Hill was wonderful. Anyways, we went to monument station and got a train to Upton Park I think it was, we went here because my boyfriend wanted to go to the Who shop. Now for those who don’t know, it is a shop dedicated to Dr Who. It’s a tiny shop, but it has a tardis, a Darlek and loads of memorabilia. We then saw a sign saying tv and film museum so we enquired about this and was shown by one of the workers to the tardis. My boyfriend was given a key to open the tardis and we both stepped inside. On the other side was another room (like a real tardis) this room was full of props and costumes from Dr Who and Tourchwood. I’m not a fan of Dr Who, but I watched Tourchwood, so seeing all the props and stuff was amazing. They even had information on who played the character, what episode and what year. 

Once we finished there we made our way to Whitechapel. Now the reason for this is because there is a Jack the Ripper museum. We walked about 19 minutes from Whitechapel station to the museum. In the museum a wonderful woman tells you what you can and can’t do and how to navigate the museum. We followed the instructions and went on our way. The first floor was a crime scene with mannequins and a map of his crime scenes. The second floor is what people think Jacks house would have looked like. In this room we were allowed to touch things and wear the costumes. My boyfriend put a hat on and I said to him. “Just think of how many people have worn that,” he just looked at me still wearing it. “How many of those had head lice.” Was my next sentences, to which he took of the hat and said “Ok spoilsport.” 

The third floor was a mock up of a police station. You had letters from Jack both different in the spellings, which led us to believe that there may have been a copycat killer. In one cabinet you had all the police equipment that the policemen who found the first victim owned. The family donated it to the museum. The top floor was a mock up of a bedroom. Around the room you had pictures of the women and a little bit about them. All bar one had left their husband and children. The last one was a widow. So I don’t know if that had anything to do with why they were targeted. 

The final floor was the basement, it was a mortuary and was located right by the toilet so it stunk. I had to put my hand over my nose and mouth to block out the smell. In this room it had the final pictures of the women, so after they were killed. Before you go in the room you see a sign saying please be respectful. Underneath each woman is how they died. One died in hospital after being attacked and stabbed. Another one had over 39 stab wounds. The others had slashed throats, one had two which showed hesitation. Once we finished, and walked back to the hotel, which took 7 mins from the museum. Don’t know why we didn’t get off at Tower Hill station to be honest, by hey ho. We got back to the hotel and had a good old natter about the museum. My boyfriend came up with some good theories. But, I won’t bore you with them now, we then had some food, and packed our bags for the following day. Laid in bed we watched Night at the Museum 3, which is set in the British Museum. My boyfriend hadn’t seen it before and said it was false advertising for the BM as there wasn’t a medieval section, nor was there any dinosaurs. 

Day 4 consisted of us having breakfast in bed, then finalising everything and heading back to MK. The journey home was much quicker than the journey there. I had a wonderful time as did my boyfriend. We both agreed to go back sometime in the future and to see other parts of London and other museums. I think I’d stay in the Tower Hotel again. It was nice, clean and the staff were all very polite and friendly. The only strange thing was they charged you for the tray if you had room service. 

I was sad to go home, but I have the memories and pictures. As well as future plans for another trip. Please comment below if you have any tips for our next adventure to the Capital. When that will be I don’t know.



Arbonne 30 days and beyond health range

Hello my lovelies,

This is a two part post, the reason being will become evident further on in this post. 

Two months ago I attended the MK fashion show and was lucky enough to meet a lovely lady called Kimberley Thompson. She is an ambassador for Arbonne. Arbonne is a company that does a variety of products, ranging from cosmetics (cruelty free and Vegan), men's cosmetics, baby products and healthy eating products. 

The healthy eating products is what this post is all about. After talking at the fashion show and exchanging business cards we starting talking on Instagram. A few weeks later a lovely parcel came to me in the post. 

Looking through the products I was pleasantly surprised with every thing. I didn't expect to get so many samples. Here is a run down of the products.

So first of all is these four caffeine free teabags. Now, I'm not normally one who drinks caffeine free tea. In fact, the last time I had decaffeinated tea, I was literally sick from caffeine withdrawal. So I am hoping these ones won't make me react the same way I did last time. Also these are good to have before bed, that way your body is not getting hit with a dose of caffeine.

Next up is this immunity support supplement. I was looking forward to using this. However, due to my epilepsy medication I can't, as it has milk thistle in it and it will react with the medication. I was tempted, when I first found out about the milk thistle to just go for it and drink it. Then I thought, actually I don't want to risk having a seizure just to try something. 

These are fit sweets, they are chewable. I have tried one and I don't know if it was because they weren't sweet enough for my liking, but I just didn't like them personally. Every one is different so if you decide to get them, you might like them. So, don't let my review put you off trying them.

This is a meal replacement. I had to contact Kimberley to find out how I make it as the instructions had rubbed off. You put three scoops in with non dairy milk, so like almond, soya, coconut etc. The amount pictured is enough for a few days. I haven't tried it yet, due to various reason. The most recent is being in hospital. However, I have the next week off work and the summer holidays coming up so I can try it then.

These are energy fizz supplements. I haven't tried the blackcurrant ones yet, but I love blackcurrant so I'm looking forward to trying them.

Now protein shake vanilla. I've heard a lot about protein shakes and I'm excited that I have a sample in the pack. I have no idea how to use it, so I guess I'll need to read the instructions beforehand. 

Here we have a mind health fizz drink in I think cherry flavour and a digestion plus drink fizz stick. Again, I have no clue as to what they are for. But, they sound intriguing. If the digestion one is for what I think it is for, then I am looking forward to using that. Sorry if that's TMI. 

Now, two more energy fizz sticks. One is orange flavour, which I have tried and it taste lovely. It actually tastes like Fanta. That fizzy orange taste. The one underneath is pomegranate flavour. I'm just recently getting into pomegranates, I scatter them over salads. So, to have a pomegranate flavoured drink is something that is interesting and I look forward to drinking it.

This white box isn't anything to do with the healthy eating range. In fact it is to do with cosmetic range. 

Inside you get these three little goodies. They are face cleansers. I have tried all three and I can tell you now that my face has never felt so clean and vibrant. I still have some left, as I don't use them every day. I like to top and change my face routine depending on how bad my acne breakout is.

So now you know the products I have and I hope you understand the reason behind having to do two posts. Now I am not one to discuss my weight online as I don't really like talking about it. However, seen as this is a post about healthy eating, I have decided it need to. This range is said to help you lose weight, obviously you need to do exercise with it and not just rely on the products you get in the 30 day eating plan.

So, here it is. My weight that I am currently at is 14st 5lb. I admit that I don't exercise as much as I should and I do tend to eat stuff for the sake of eating, and when I do eat it is out of boredom or because someone else in the family is eating. 

 As you can see from the pictures to the left and right, I have a muffin top, back boobs, chunky arms and a fat belly. I admit that at times I feel ashamed that I have let myself get to this stage. I'm only 31, and I've let myself get fat. I could blame it on university, but that would be a lie as I graduated 8 years ago. Yes, I gained 3 stone at uni, but I have since lost a stone, and then gained three more.

I'm hoping that these samples as well as the 5 day free gym pass my boyfriend gave me will help me find the motivation to lose the weight and get down to my dream weight of 11 stone and drop from a size 18 to a size 12.

If you are interested in the Arbonne range then feel free to contact Kimberley. She is a wonderful person and is willing to discuss the products you are interested in, as well as talk about her journey with the range. Just contact her on the details below and start your Arbonne Journey today.

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